Club Cooee
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THE WORLD IS GOING TO END!_______ ( 15/11/09 )

many people keep saying that the world is going to end in 2012.
why 2012? why such a random number?!
they also said the world is going to end in year 2000. nothing happened.
the reason why they say that is because in the "BIBLE" there stands that the world is going to end "UNEXPECTED"
so they cant just tell people that the world is going to end because thtat nobody on this planet knows when the earth is going to end.
so you should not belive that the world is going to end if anyone told you.

and also ( i think it was last year ) some people said that a "blackhole" would suck the world as soon some people at "cern" started theyre "L.H.C." (Large Hadron Colider).
let me tell you something the L.H.C dont have enough power to create a black hole. the one who came up with the idea might have been bored and just made a joke and then everybody just took it seriously.

WOOT! saw 6 and 7?! ( 15/11/09 )

i cant wait to see saw 6 and 7. i am not really sure about the 7 because the 6th one is new. maybe they planned making saw 7 afterwards. im not a really big fan of the saw series.
i dont know why but my favorite part might be how these people dies. does that make me a psycho?...
as i can see in their trailers i can only see one trap. does that mean that the whole movie is going to be a one long trap? that kills a little part of my exitment but didn't that also happen in saw II?
if i am wrong then i told you before that i am not a really big fan of the saw series.

i hope saw 6 is going to be good.

my third rant

my third rant
my new rant on the Jonas brothers fans. and the stupid recolor "artists"

second rant out

second rant out
new rant about Magibon and Fred. i am always wondering how many people gets so fameous just because they do stuff they dont care about. that pisses me of because many people with good talent (not me) are getting left in the dust.

so i hope you will enjoy.

new movie


my first rant is out! YAY. its my opinion about all this talking about jason griffith and stuff that sounds stupid so i desidet to make my own rant about all his noensens about jason griffith stole the voice of a blue charecter.

i hope you guys enjoy and stuff.


ive just updated my Qbasic programm. Qbasic is a old programming language you use on dos.
but now i can new things with it.

check out
to learn how to use if you are interested.